Tuesday 17 August 2010

Cutest Lil Poppet :)x


Picture 004 copy copy copy

  I LOVE this image.

It reminds me so much of Kyla with her mad hair and as soon as I saw it I just had to use it to make her a card for when she starts school soon (cry cry!!).

So I killed 2 birds etc and used it for my card over at Papertake Weekly and this week we have a sketch for you …

.. here you go :)

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And this is what I did with it.

I realised when I finished it that it is really my old style ie a bit plain and not much in the way of embellies. I seem to go back there every so often and I don't think it’s a bad thing necessarily. Back to your roots and all that!!!

So of course this image is one of the new Lili Of The Valley releases which will be out on 19th (along with the new Christmas Animals) so not long to go now. They are perfect for any little poppet who is starting school or even starting back to school.

I’ll do the rest of the shopping bit at the end today, just for a change :)


Quite right too !!!!!!

bow h

It has to be pink and pretty, of course - she is a chip off the old block for sure!!

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So that’s what I did and if you get a sec, nip over and check out the DT cads peeps cos they are all so gorgeous

We had a sort of quiet weekend inasmuch as we didn't have her ladyship in residence on Friday as we usually do,  so we went mad and went out for dinner – just the two of us and very nice it was too!!  Saturday was spent doing bits and bobs around the house and a bit of shopping :(

Then Emma and Kyla dropped in on their way home from their camping trip on Sunday morning and brought us these …..

bearThis is a little bear she made for me


candle and this is a candle she made for her Granddad.

Oh bless her.

It’s what it’s all about isn't it.

They went to a craft place near where they were camping for a mooch and there were classes on for the kids so Kyla and her friends had a go. I just had to share with you cos I think they are so sweet (I do realise of course  that it is very much in the eye of the beholder lol) and they will of course have pride of place until the next little trinket comes along.

Well I am off to sunny Birkenhead now but have a great day and hope everyone is OK. Before I go, here’s the shopping list  as promised-

Image – Back To School, Lili Of The Valley coloured with Copics which are available from Dies To Die For in these colours -

E00, E21, E33, E42, E50, R20, RV0000, RV10, W00, W1, W3, W5

Papers - Pink Petticoat (Gingham and Stripes)

Border punch – Tilda Lace from Crafts U Love – you can see it here peeps

Embellies -  self adhesive pearls & pins from  Wild Orchid Crafts

Sentiment and ribbon from stash (I THINK the sentiment is a Melissa Frances rub on but wouldn't swear to it, sorry!)

See ya soon and hugs to all xxx


Unknown said...

Gorgeous card, and yes the rub-on is Melissa Frances.
Have fun in Birkenhead.

SallyB said...

Hi Dawny..
Ahh, Yes this is what they look like. Uniform all big and baggy. Reminds me of my little one aswell.
She will be going into year 3 and will be 7 on Friday and she hates having her hair done.
So sweet!
It's a lovely card!

Loopylou. said...

oooh dawny super cute hun, love what you did with her, roll on aug 19th!! i know which online shop i will be heading to!!!! hugs lou xxx

Kath Stewart said...

this is just the cutest little ragamuffin and well done kyla...beautiful pressies for Grandma and Grandad....big hugs kath xxx

Lorraine A said...

Gorgeous card Dawny ,,, that image is just soooo cute I am looking forwardd to the new release and feel a spree coming on !! :-)

love the bear and the candle too ,,, aww ,,, very cute :-) she has obviously inherited your talent LOL :-) meant in the nicest possible way Dawny :-)

Lols x x x
p.s ,, I used to live in B'Head !!

Anonymous said...

Just adorable Dawny! I must get this stamp to make Molly a back to school card (Y1 this year). Aww, your gifts are so precious. I have all Molly's handmade cards and gifts all over my carft room - they make me smile. Just love being a nan! xx

pinky said...

Totally adorable, definitely on top of my wish list! Love the papers and colours.

Julie said...

A very sweet card Dawny, that image is perfect for the occasion.

Danni said...

Awww, so very adorable!

Ali said...

Oh absolutely gorgeous - lovely image xx

Maria Therese said...

Loooooooooooooooooooove your card!!

yvon said...

Wow Dawny, great card. Love the colors and especially the image. She is so adorable.
Hugs, Yvon

Unknown said...

You did a wonderful job on this card. This little girl is just the cutest. I will have to buy her, even though I have no one to send such a card to lol.

Little K Smith said...

Aaaaww this is sooo gorgeous! Such an adorable image! Gorgeous colours, love the border punch too.

Andrea said...

Absolutely adorable - the image is so cute, and I love the card you have made with her.
And you have received some very special pressies there - absolutely right that you should treasure them!
Love, Andrea xx

Sharon said...

Hi Dawn,

Love the card - so soft and pretty with that gorgeous image!

Your presents are gorgeous, there are some things money can't buy and these are absolutely one of those! So much love in those creations. Enjoy!

Sharon x

Loz said...

:) Love the sentiment! So perfect, gorgeous image! ♥

Judi said...

What a FAB card! Love this image, and can't wait to get my hands on it, as my youngest granddaughter starts school in September, and this looks just like her.


Judi xx

debby4000 said...

Oh this is gorgeous Dawny. And what treasured gifts.

jem (jane elizabeth middleton) said...

Just perfect for Kyla, soon as I saw this image on cats blog knew you'd love it. I do too but have no little school girl suited to it, maybe I'll buy it anyway. janex

xxxtglxxx said...

I absolutely adore this card!.. :) its gorgeous, and really made me smile!... xxhugsxx


SusieQ said...

I saw this figure and immediately thought about my grand daughter who will be going back to school soon. Then is read your text...my grand daughter's name is Kyla, too. She, too, has the hair which is what make me think of her in the first place. Can't wait to get this one!

Rachel said...

Gorgeous card Dawny....such a cute image! Love your gifts too!

Wedgie xxx

PepPop said...

Aww what an adorable image! Gorgeous card too. Jaqui x