Friday 6 April 2012

Please Can You Help Sweet Peeps?

Hi peeps and hope you are all having a good start to the Easter break :)

Whilst at our card club last week,  one of the ladies there showed me a little jumper and beanie hat she had knitted. It didn't look like a babies jumper / hat that I had ever seen and she told me that it was for the fish and chips babies in Africa. I had never even heard of this before so she told me that these are the really poor babies,  many of whom are born with Aids and that is about all these little souls come into this world with. They are so poor that they are sent home wrapped in newspaper which is why they are called fish and chip babies.

Well those of you who know me will know how I feel about kids, and this just about broke my heart. I am always grateful for where I was born and I know that had I have been born in a different place, then my life would probably have been very different. I said that I would knit some of them for her even though I haven’t knitted for years and years.  And so I wondered if any of you nice peeps out there could spare a couple of hours and a bit of wool to perhaps make one as well.

The jumpers themselves are very easy to knit and they are knitted in one complete piece. For most knitters they take an afternoon or an evening to complete. They are very important because in Africa, the nights are cold and these babies have no clothes.

The only real stipulation is that they are knitted in bright dark colours rather than the pastel shades we may use here (bright stripes look good and use up only small bits of wool)  and this is because these little garments may never be washed. How different our lives are and it is just so sad. I look at my Kyla and everything she has and it makes me feel a little bit ashamed that we have so much and they have nowt.

So if anybody out there can help here, it would be fabulous. If you can help, you can send them to me – email me and I’ll send you my addy – and I’ll get them sent off to the right place. 

Here’s the pattern for the jumper – once I’ve finished mine I’ll put a pic on here (I am the slowest knitter in the world!!)

Baby jumper knitting pattern (Knitted all in one)

Use double knitting wool and 4mm needles

Cast on 44 stitches

Work 18 Rows in K2, P2 rib

Work 30 Rows stocking stitch (1 row plain, 1 row purl)

Cast on 12 stitches at beginning of next 2 rows and at the same time change to K2,P2 (for sleeve)

Rib 22 more rows.

Next row: Rib 21, cast off 26 stitches, rib 21

Next row: Rib 21, cast on 26 stitches, rib 21

Work 22 rows in K2, P2 rib

Cast off 12 stitches at beginning of next 2 rows

Work 30 rows stocking stitch

Work 18 rows, K2, P2 rib

Cast off


Baby Beanie Hat Pattern

Use double knitting wool and 4mm needles

Cast on 64 stitches and work 14 rows in (K1 P1) rib

Work 24 rows in stocking stitch or until work measures 11cm from cast on edge

Shape crown as follows –

Row 1: *k6, k2tog. Repeat from * to end of row (56 stitches)

Row 2: Knit

Row 3: *k5, k2tog. Repeat from * to end of row (48 stitches)

Row 4: Knit

Row 5: *k4, k2tog. Repeat from * to end of row (40 stitches)

Row 6: Knit

Continue decreasing in this manner until (k1 k2tog) has been completed and 16 stitches remain.

Knit 1 row.

Break yarn and thread through remaining 16 stitches.


Thanks heaps for stopping by  to read this and if you could spread the word and perhaps pop something on your blogs / tell your friends etc   that would be wonderful.

Have a great weekend and see you soon as soon and huggiest of Easter hugs to all xxx


I managed to get my jumper finished peeps so if it helps, here’s what they look like when they’re done – the beanie is on it’s way!!

Picture 018c


OMLife what a wonderful bunch you all are. Even those who cannot knit are helping by putting up links. I cannot say how touched I’ve been. I expected one or two but the response has been amazing.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you all so much xxxxx


Fiona said...

oh is sad. I haven't knotted for years either and I don't have any wool in the house however when I am in town next I will buy some wool as I would love to knot a jumper and hat as long as there's no deadline...not sure how long it will take but I do have some holidays coming up soon so I could always wait til then and get a few done.


Anne-Marie said...

I'm definitely in, Dawny...sending email now.

Anne said...

Count me in on this one Dawny. Will contact you when I've got something to send! Hugs x

Tracey T said...

A brilliant idea, Dawny. I'll tell my mum, who is always wanting to knit but can't find anyone to take the beautiful things she makes. The local hospital won't take them for "health and safety" reasons apparently, but she loves knitting baby clothes. Will get the old girl on the case asap! Tracey xx

Unknown said...

well ill give it my best shot for yer...poor babies...i rather fancy being a knittin nanna especiaslly for such a good cause although hope i dont have a eye out havnent knitted in yonks ...hugs sassyxx

Linda (Lindyloo) said...

Hi Dawny
My daughter made reference to this the other day but couldn't remember where she saw it, so I am so thrilled that you brought it to our attention. I am the same as you, I cannot bear to hear of babies and children suffering, it brings a lump to my throat. We are all so spoiled, having so many wonderful things (though we still manage to complain) and we have no idea of the plight of the masses in Africa.
I have put it on my new blog for you with a link straight to this post and I hope you get lots of response for this very worthwhile cause.
I, like Fi, haven't knitted for a while but do still have my needles and possibly some wool, so will dig them out and get going asap.
All the best Linda x

Elise said...

Hi Sweetheart .. I think this is such a lovely thing that you're doing .. bless your heart!

I'm so sorry, I can't knit worth a dime .. don't know DIDDLY about knitting actually and I don't know even how to read the instructions you've listed. :( eeek .. so embarassing that is!

But I wanted to pop on over here and let you know that you are such a love for doing this.

Big Huge Hugs,

Craftin Suzie (Susan Wykes) said...

Hi Dawny I have posted on my blog and I will get some dark wool today when shopping. Not sure how long will take me but will let you know when finished! xx

Annette Bowes said...

Found you via Mandi's blog, not the fastest of knitters, will see what I can do, take careX:)

Unknown said...

Hi Dawn, i`ll give this one a go, haven`t knitted for years. I`ll contact you when i`ve finished. Hugs Val xx

Ribbon Girl said...

I put it on ur blog last night Dawny and I will have a go myself - may not look like a jumper but will do best, Mary G x

Ali said...

I'll have a go - and I'll also pass on to my mum she can knit and see if she can help x

Heidi said...

Will take a while as house is in shambles but if there is no time limit would love to have a go for the wee babes. as you say it breaks your heart. hugs heid x

Vicky said...

I got diverted here from Bev's blog, I would love to help out, when and where are these baby jumpers needed??

big hugs Vicky x x x

Lorraine A said...

will have a rummage through my wool bag ,, I have tons of it and haven't knitted anything since cards took over !!
Count me in ,,, :-)

the poor wee mites ,, fish n chip babies ,, so very sad :-( xx you are wonderful for highlighting their plight and getting all of us cardmakers knitting again :-) mwah :-) xx
Lols x x x

Shazza said...

saw this on Bev and Mina's blogs. I haven't knitted for years but am willing to try. Need to go get some supplies x

Archies Mum said...

Dawny, I'm going to print off this pattern and give it a go this weekend. Something to make lazy hands work, and for such a good cause. My heart goes out to those poor babies.

Sol said...

Hello!... I would like to see a photo of this one... Finished.. I don`t understand the recipe.. but with a photo, it might be easier... :o)

Redanne said...

Came over from Kath's blog, will try to help although I have RA and it makes knitting difficult, but will try. Crafty hugs, Anne x

Kim said...

count me in too. I'll contact you when I've got one ready.
Kim x

Kim said...

count me in too. I'll contact you when I've got one ready.
Kim x

Gaynor said...

Hi Dawny, Count me in....willing and able to help. xxGaynor

Gaynor said...

Hi Dawny, Count me in....willing and able to help. xxGaynor

Foxycrafts said...

Hi Dawny. I've just read your post and it has touched my heart. I will get my knitting needles clicking. I am posting a link to this post on my blog tomorrow. I hope this is ok.

Love Joan xx

misteejay said...

I will give this a go (have to see how long it takes me)

Toni xx

Marg said...

I can't knit for toffee but I'll post about your appeal on my blog and on MSE.

Jenny L said...

Hi Dawny,
will start to knit today. will contact you when I have some to send.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Jenny L said...

Hi Dawny,
will start to knit today. I will contact you when I have some to send you.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

mckinkle said...

Hello Dawn,

Im in too!

Have printed it off and will email you when Ive got a few to send you. I'll also post it on my blog.

Happy Easter
Keryn x

Mau xx said...

Came over from Mina's blog Dawny to read the appeal, I am in sweetie, haven't knit for a number of years but will check needle supply and find myself a comfy chair xxxxxx Hugs Mau

Gaynor Greaves said...

Me too Dawny, not knitted for a few years but do have some wool in the house, so I will give it a go, poor little babs, it's a different world, so sad. Gaynor xx

Sarah's Little Snippets said...

This is so sad Dawny and I would love to help. I haven't knit anything in ages but I've loads of bright wool left over from making clowns and scarecrows. Will get my MIL to help too. I'll email you when I have something to send :) Sarah x

Anne said...

Hi Dawny, is this OK? Hugs ?

Sandra H said...

Hi Dawny, This is so wonderful what your doing l have taken the pattern down and saved it and see what l can do thank you for sharing this there are such a lot of people who are willing to help and it's great that something can be done for them:)x

vixen said...

Hi Dawn, I came across your cause today on another blog, I can't actually knit but hope to have done the next best thing which to post your blog link and a bit of info about the cause on my facebook page and in a min on my blog so hopefully that will drum up a bit more interest and more people coming forward to help for you x Think this is a wonderful cause hun x

Sharon Caudle said...

Oh how I wish I knew how to knit! But I can spread the word by posting something on my blog. Thanks for bringing this in the spotlight, Dawny. This type of story breaks my heart as I can't stomach the thought of a poor little baby not having the necessary clothing to stay warm.
hugs, Sharon

misteejay said...

Hi, I'm back to say that I've completed a set - posted a link to back here on my blog and sent you an email. For anyone who hasn't knitted for a while I can say that these items knit up very easily.

Toni xx

Sandi said...

what a wonderful projects, as I do not knit, I will say prayers and hope you get a million for those sweet babes. hugs

Seafield Jo said...

Hi Dawny

I've dusted off my knitting needles and sent for some wool - I can't get out to the shops so have ordered some on-line.

Will be in touch again when I've something to send you.

What a lovely thing to do.

Jo x

Sonia said...

Hi Dawny have got my wool today so will get some made of for you over the next week :)Will text when I have finished so you can let me know where to drop it off :)
Hugs Sonia xx

Sarah said...

Hi Dawny, I've got my Mum on the job as we speak, will email you when it's finished, a brilliant idea, hugs, Sarah x

Julia said...

Hi Dawny, I would be happy to start the ladies in Australia knitting for these little babies... is it possible that you could send me an address that I can send them to in Africa.


sueo78 said...

Hi Dawn, will definitely be making some of these, sending you an email.
Sue x

Polkadoodles said...

Dawn - I'm not a knitter either but I would be more than happy to donate wool for you to make some? awesome idea and I'm away to tweet, failbook and blog it before I cry! xx

Happy Crafter said...

I have posted on my blog to spread the word and i will have a go at one myself in the hope it turns out ok:)
Hugzz Val xx

Crafty Susy said...

Where in uk are they sent to once finished please. What deadlines are there.

Fiona said...

Can you give us an address in Africa please? Otherwise you are going to need donations towards postage! I already knit jumpers for orpohans in Zimbabwe (it's a Hampshire Women's Institute project) but would be happy to do some of these as well. And will put a note on my blog when I have an address. Congratulations for publicising this.

BTW, I'm a different Fiona from your first comment here ;)

Sharon said...

Thanks very much for telling us about this - what a fantastic (but ever so sad) cause. I printed the patterns and knitted a jumper and beanie hat today. I haven't knitted in around 5 years but I just had to give this a go. I hope red's okay? It was the only non-pastel wool in the house, but I'll be buying different colours so I can knit more.

Michelle said...

Fantastic idea for a very worthy cause. Made one and am on second now. Please can we have an address to send them when they are finished? x x

Di said...

Hi Dawny. Count me in too, little mites, so sad!

Need to get hold of some wool and find me knitting needles - will be in touch once I have some done. Right, off to look for dark wools on the internet now :)

And will add to my blog - I hopped here from Twiglet's blog BTW.


sallysbitz2 said...

Hello Dawny.

I would be happy to give it a go. I am not an expert to knitting ! but will have a bash.

shall be in touch when done x

hugs sally x

Karen P said...

I've posted on my blog, sorry I can't knit, but I am going to ask my mum if she can knit a couple of jumpers and hats for the appeal! Wonderful thing you are doing here hugs Karen x

Kate said...

My knitting skills are so basic but this pattern looks possible so I will have a try.

** Kate **

Nannieflash said...

Hi Dawny, will give it a go after Ive finished what Im making at the moment. hugs Shirleyxxxx

Twiglet said...

Hi Dawny - followed the link from Keryn's Poppy Dog blog. I have knitted a couple of beanie's and have enough wool for a couple of jumpers. Are you happy for me to send them to you or do you have an African address? Happy to post either way. x Jo

jem (jane elizabeth middleton) said...

Hi Dawn
Lots of ladies at "Little Sutton "
methodist church are knitting for this,just been speaking to a lady who is knitting a lovely wine coloured cardy.

Paper Hearts Handmade Cards said...

Hi Dawn have posted a link on my blog and if I get the chance will try and knit one too K xx may even rope in my auntie who is a fabulous knitter

Bets said...

Hiya.........I have a card sale today at a local church hall, and have printed off a information poster & some copies of the pattern for people to take if they are interested. If I get any little outfits back I'll forward them to you!

Bets said...

Hiya.........I have a card sale today at a local church hall, and have printed off a information poster & some copies of the pattern for people to take if they are interested. If I get any little outfits back I'll forward them to you!

Unknown said...

Oh Dawny, this is so desperately sad and it's awful that this happens in the world. I read it and then scrolled to the bottom of the comments and post links - I choked up at how many have rallied round to help. Crafters are such a great bunch of people. Count me in, it will take me ages, but I'll let you know when it's done.
Ellie Maggie x

jan said...

Hi Dawn, have knitted a set of baby clothes, what address do I post to
love jan x

jan said...

Hi Dawn, have knitted a set of baby clothes, what address do I send them to.
love jan x

Carmen said...

I can't knot but will happily share this post. Amazing cause.

Barbara said...

Oh how thoughtful of you and your following. We are also helping children in Africa but are finding it difficult and quite expensive to ship supplies to them. Would you like to share your shipping plans with me? I will try to make a jumper. What is the ending date? May God Bless you...Hugs

Julia said...

Found you via a friend's blog - will get on to this asap :)

Mrs A. said...

Just found out about this very worth while cause via Ali's blog.
I have lots of dark double knitting wool and will make some of these too. Will be in touch. Hugs Mrs A.

PeeJay said...

I've just seen this via Di on Pixie's Crafty Workshop blog and ... I've put a pin on Pinterest so hopefully it will get an even bigger audience.

Canonbury creations said...

I saw a link to your blog on Vicky's blog
I saw some lovely wool this afternoon and am now one side completed on a fish and chip baby jumper:) I haven't knitted anything for over 20 years but can't think of a better reason to start again. I'll email you when it's finished for your address
Val x

Christine said...

Hi Dawny,
I saw your post about these sweet little babies and I want you to know that I will be working on some of these for them and you. I have also talked to my mom, she taught me to knit, and she is going to rally her troops too. So I hope to have something to send to you soon. Thanks for letting us know about this worthy cause. I am so happy to help. Having my own little one, it breaks my heart to think that these babies are out there starting with nothing.

xoxo, Christine

jennyflowerblue said...

Please let me know where I can send some knitteds! I have signed my Mum up too, and my little 6 year old is a pretty keen knitter. Thanks so much for posting about this. Jenx

Angie said...

Is this on going ...if so i shall start when i get back from a holiday in Inverness ...great project.

Bugged Designs said...

Hi, came to your site via the woyww'ers (what's on your workdesk wednesday). I am useless at knitting, but have just posted about this on my blog to help spread the word.

Foxycrafts said...

Hi Dawn

I've been knitting like crazy while on my holidays! :o) Please could you let me have your address to send them to? My email is:-

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Love Joan xx

fabs said...

Hi there, someone local to us put out the request for this knitting project too but has made their last collection for it. Are you still collecting? I would like an address to send some to please? My Gran is 91 and had written off knitting years ago - yet she is managing these and producing them by the dozen! I do so hope I don't have to tell her to stop. Thank you, Abby

Wendy L said...

Hi are you still collecting hats for these babies? I sent some to a place in the UK but never heard anything back from them, even though I asked them to email me to let me know they were received OK. Email ----


Merle said...

It didn't look like a babies jumper / hat that I had ever seen and she told me that it was for the fish and chips babies in Africa. I had never even ...