Remember me???
Ohh it feels like I haven't blogged for ages.
So, first things first.
I just want to say a massive thank you to everyone who gave the craft sale a toot xxxx We had a really good day - there were between 50 and 70 people there. I knew it would be a long shot putting it on the blog as we are all over the country but there was at least 1 lady there who had read about it in Blogland (and not on my blog) so it did work. Eloise was thrilled it went so well and was really grateful. We sold quite a bit of stuff but it barely put a dent in it all. So there may be another one in the new year.
I have to say sorry for being a bad bad blogger and for being awol but I got home on Saturday after the sale and within an hour I started to feel ill - really properly ill. I ended up going to bed and have only really been up and about properly today. I tell you, I would not wish this on anyone and I reckon it was flu. Richard had it and I suspect that poor Emma will be next as she has the sore throat and aching that it starts with. Ohh dear!!!!! I think this has lurked in my system for months though as I have not been 100% for a good while now. I
Ok, some of you know this next bit. This coming Monday, I have 'one of those' birthdays - ohh I can barely say it but it is half a century - I am vain enough to care that I am becoming an old fart!!!!!. Shallow I know, but I am really feeling old farty at the mo as well, cry cry xx.
Now I know that the alternative is worse and considering that my sis died aged 46 I should not moan. But I am moaning. Well not so much moaning but wailing like a banshee to be truthful.!!!! I am sooo not looking forward to it, and will be dragged there on Monday kicking and screaming and fighting it every inch of the goddam way.
I thought a bit of birthday candy was in order and I thought I would do a little mixture of stuff.
So here's what's on offer ....

Completely gorge new Sarah Kay stamp - fab for Valentine's Day xxxx
800 Papermania brads in a neat little caddy, a pack of 5 3D Crystal Neon Lacquer Pens and a really arty stamp.
Plus a £10 Poppicrafts Gift Voucher to top it all off. :))))
How does that sound?
So all you have to do to be in with a chance of winning is to leave a comment here and mention my blog candy on your blog and that lovelies, is that!!! I will do a random generator thingie to pick a winner on 20th December and this is open to everyone and not just UK bloglies. I will arrange for the candy to be shipped after Christmas Day so it won't get lost in our wonderful postal system lol xx and I'll leave a shortened version of this post at the top until 20th.
As it's been so flippin long since I made a card, I'm just off for a blog hop which will hopefully give me a bit of much needed inspiration. I've really missed seeing everyone's stuff but I haven't had the energy to take to top of me pens let alone colour anything with them. It's a shame!!!!.
Have a great evening and hugs to all xxxxxx
Fantastic Candy Dawny. So to here you have been feeling poorly. Hope your feeling better soon. i posted a link on me blog for your candy, thanks for chance to win.
oh poor you.....nasty's the pits ain't it...and just before christmas too
glad the sale went well but it sounds as though there is still a mountain of stuff.
Hey great blog candy for your up and coming birthday....will put a toot on my blog
Hi Dawny! You have gorgeous blog, and candy is waw, i would like to win! I linked you on my blog! Hugs, Moni
Hi Dawny, So sorry to hear you haven't been well. Glad to hear the sale went well. Fantastic candy! Now off to leave a link on my blog. x
So sorry you are under the weather Dawn. Hope you are feeling better.
That is gorgeous candy and I would love to win it. You are linked on my sidebar.
Have a great birthday.
Cathy xx
Brilliant candy Dawny - will put it on my blog tonite!
Hi Dawny, Sorry to hear you have been poorly i too am just getting over it and boy it sure does knock you off your feet.
Your candy is fabulous and thank you for the chance to win, its yummy:) will go link you on my blog top right (candy links).
Val xxx
ohh Gorgeous candy Dawny, and I'm so glad you sale went well for your friend, I have posted your birthday pressy today hun, sorry I should of done it last week, I hope you get it in time for monday, I will put a post on my blog later, hope you're feeling better soon hun hugs Jill xx
Oh goodness Dawny!! I'm sooooo sorry you've been feeling so poorly! You're not a bad blogger! You've just been living your life, which does every now and then interfere with our crafting world. :) don't feel so bad about the birthday! I hit that one a couple years ago, and it's really not all that bad. It's kind of fun being able to blame a lot of screw ups on my age! HAHA! Take care of yourself and don't kick and scream too hard on your birthday!! big hugs!!!
Hi you listen here, age is all in the mind.....I will be sixty in two and a bit years time and I feel years younger......
Every day is a bonus......enjoy it......and remember to feel good in your skin......
Lecture get better soon and start to think positive....
Just popped over to see what was up my duck, thought you must be poorly. Hugs, and get well soon. 50? Bah, you're just a child!!
En xx
Hi Dawny,oh wow,such yummy candy,have linked ya up darl:)
Hope ya feel better soon,sending ya some hugs:)
My birthday is 15th Dec too,but i'm looking forward to
Sounds wonderful to me Dawny, and a very happy birthday to you!
Going to put a link on my blog now. Hope you are feeling better now, better to get it before you get to Christmas!
Cazzy xx
``Glad you did well at the Fair Dawnie:)
Sorry:(you bin poorly!!!!
Your Candy is amazing....
Will Post a B`day card to you....
Will put a toot next blog post...
`Hope your feeling real better soon:)~X~
Love the blog have some very inspiring ideas, I enjoy following your blog. Sorry to hear that you have been feeling is that time of year for the flu.
I hope you have a very Happy Birthday! Hope it is a wonderful day for you.
I have posted a link on my blog to your blog candy. Thanks for the opportunity.
I've linked you on my blog too.
Get well soon
p.s happy birthday when it comes
I wanted to thank you for the lovely comment you left me, the sketch was wonderful! Thank You! I just finished posting with a note & link to your Blog candy, which looks super yummy! I would love to win it :) Thanks for the chance.
Sorry you have been feeling poorly lately Dawny, hope you get better soon - and as for that birthday, hey life begins at ..... (you know that age you do not want to mention) have a great day on Monday, make it a good one. xxxx
So sorry you have been feeling so poorly Dawny, hope you feel your proper self soon. I have to say from your photo you don't look anywhere near 50 hun so you shouldn't be worrying. You look fab! I will link your blog candy to my blog now hugs Linda x
The "flu" seems to be a common thread among bloggers these days. Reading about it everywhere. Glad you are starting to feel better. As for the big birthday...its only a number! So...CONGRATULATIONS! Have a blast. Beautiful candy and thanks for the chance to win. I am off to link you up now.
Gorgeous candy Dawn!! A very Happy Birthday for Monday! Did you not know that 50 is the new 30??? I have mine in 6 months, so that is something I shall be telling myself forever now...LOL Have linked you here HERE
Hope you all soon feel much better...I think Im going down with it too :(
Aww, sorry you've been so poorly, I hope you are feeling much better for THAT birthday on Monday - and it IS just a number (I'm almost there myself!!)
And what a very generous blog candy - good luck to everyone! :) are as young as you feel and age is just a number so I wouldn't worry too much.
You are offering gorgeous candy, thank you for the chance to win. Off to link you on my blog now.
Emma x
Aww,poor Dawny :o(x
Hope you feel better soon (got Hubby off work Ill with bad Flu at mo too!!!)
Just embrace your b'day & then don't mention it again for rest of the year,lol!!!! ;O)x
Great candy,off to pop a link on my blog for it now :O)x
Sorry to heart you've been ill chick, glad to hear you're feeling better now. Hope Emma doesn't get it.
What a lovely candy hun and I hope you have a really good birthday, just remember that grey is the new black, good is the new bad and 50 is the new 30 (or something like that lol)
Amanda xxx
Hi Dawny, sorry to hear you've had that awful flu and hope you feel much better soon. I know how you feel about the big birthday, I just had my half century earlier this year and think the dreading of it is worse than it actually is, that's all I can say LOL!!! Celebrating it with such wonderful candy is a great way of easing the pain,so thank you for the chance to win and I'll put a link in my sidebar. Take care of yourself. Chris x
Awww Dawn ..think of all that wonderful life experience and wisdom you have gained! Age is just a number! Have a wonderful day and celebrate each day you have lived. I just counted and you will have lived 18,250 days! Wowzers! Hope that makes you feel chuffed..not depressed!
Will link to you on my blog!
Judy x
Hi Dawny fab candy and hope your feeling bit better I will put a link on my blog for you and please feel free to join in with my mini candy draw.
Hi, fantastic candy!!I love it! thank's for the chance to win... I'll hope to win :-))
bye elisabetta
I've add your candy on my sidebar!
Oh Dear you poor YOUNG thing now stop your worrying, age is just a state of mind dear, I should know I am a real old fart (62), but I still feel like I am 21 so thats how old I act he! he! hope you have a fantastic birthday. Oh!!!! and please can I be included in your super generous candy you are a little doll!!!!!!!
Hugs Jacqui x
Hello! What's a great candy! I've made a post about it in my blog: Thanks for a chance to win!
Hi Dawny, gorgeous generous candy you have on offer wow!. I hope you are feeling much better soon.will post on my blog now. joey xxx
So sorry to hear that you've been sick! Hope you get well soon!!! xoxo
I've blogged:
Thank you!
bunnybx at gmail . com
Happy Birthday dear Dawn :)
Yes I know you probably dont want to hear it but I do wish you a good one!!
I have added you to my candy store too.
Have a lovely day and I hope you are feeling a bit better again today
Have a fantastic birthday Dawny & thanks for the chance to win this fab candy :o)
Oops forgot to say I've linked you to my blog (on the right hand side).
!Feliz Cumpleanos! Have a great day. Would love to win the candy to help you celebrate. Emailed my family and mom's groups about you bday giveaway since MY blog is still getting UP:)
Wow, I think this is a great candy and thanks for the chance to win. Hope you're soon feeling more chipper and if it any consolaton, when my hubby reach 39 he sulked for the next 12 months. Like you, he didn't like the number. BUT, on the day, friends visiting - a nice meal - a few drinks (well to be honest quite a few) it was okay. It's just a number - what matters is what you have around you and it sounds as if you surrounded by good things. Enjoy the day and then start crafting again. Not forgetting of course to share your cards with us. Happy Birthday, ooxx ikki
Wow...... Dawny!
You have gorgeous blog, and candy is wow!!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I linked you on my blog!
Hugs Gisela
What a fantastic blog candy!
Im posting a link on my blog :-)
Fantastic!!!! Thank you for giving chance to win such a yummy candy!!!
I've made link on my sidebar!
With best wishes,
Gorgeous candy Dawny. Hope you are feeling better, thanks for the chance to win and I'm off to link now.
Liza x
Bee-have Dawny ... yer never that old surely?? and not that it's old anyway - call it "half a century not out!!"
Fabulous candy offer byt he way .. ust off to link to it now though of course you're already in my blogroll (which of course is why I'm visiting now :-)
So glad the craft sale went well .. if you ahve another I'll try to come over. Sorry you've had flu ... tis the pits. Still at least hopefully you'll be back to rights for Christmas.
Take care
Pauline x
Wow, what amazing candy, and what a brilliant blog - love your cards. I've posted a link on my blog, here. Thank you, be well and have a lovely Christmas.
Hi Dawn, thats some fab candy you are giving away, I wil put a link on my blog for you. Hope you feel better soon, its definately something nasty going round. Half the customers that have been in the shop today have beeb ill over the last week or so. And I wouldn't worry about your birthday my stepmom is 50 and she knocks spots of some of the younger ladies. At least when you do something a bit odd which most of us do at some time you can blame it on a senior moment!!!!!. Happy Birthday enjoy every minute of it.
Lyndsey xx
hiya dawn, glad your feeling better now. happy birthday for monday i really hope you have a great day. and what brill candy will put a link on my blog now.
take care shell x
Hi Dawny
Your blog candy looks fantastic, thanks for the chance to win, I will put a link on my side bar for you. Hope you have a great birthday on Monday!
Hugs Lynsey :)
Very Gorgeous Candy Dawny. I've posted your link on my blog. Thank you for the chance to win
Wow, that is fantastic blog candy!! (I am also pleased to find another British card blogger!!) I will go and mention this on my newly established card blog (my personal one has been going for much longer!!)
Here's hoping you feel much better soon.
Happy Birthday for Monday. That Blog Candy looks great. I've added your link to my blog.
Merry Christmas,
Oh Dawny, I do feel for you...not the flu, but being 50!!! Seriously, hope you are ok lovey and are starting to recover.
Fab candy on offer and thanks for giving us the chance to win it. Have put a posting on my blog xx
Hope you are 110% better now. You have to be well to enjoy your birthday.
Thank you for the chance of candy, I have linked in my blog
Tracey x
Really nice candy! Hope you'll feel better soon, and good luck with your birthday! I'll link you.
X, Ava
Great blog candy!! I'm so sorry to hear that you've been sick! It's awful to be sick anytime, but being sick during the holiday season makes it a bit worse, I think. Hopefully you're on your way to a happy, healthy you!!! :-)
Thanks so much!!
Michele R.(CA)
Butterfly Whispers
Totally cool giveaway.
I blogged about your giveaway on my blog, Butterfly Whispers.
Thanks so much!!
Michele R.(CA)
Butterfly Whispers
awww hun hope that your feeling better soon...xx
i have added a link to your very generous candy on my blog.
happy birthday to you for Monday
Big hugs Rachxxx
congratulations, Dawny! I have mentioned your candy here:
Sorry to hear Dawn that you have been unwell, there is a lot of it about at this time of year. Hope you have a smashin birthday :0) and thank you for the chance to win some scrummy candy. Hugs Tab xxx
Sounds like we've been sharing the same bugs. I've blogged your candy on my blog but I never mentioned exactly how old you are on Monday, at least I've still got a couple of years to go before I reach that milestone.
Sorry to hear that you haven't been well :( Hope you make a speedy recovery! I have linked you up at
Thank you so much for the chance and Happy Holidays!
I am glad that you are up and feeling better. Wonderful candy- and happy birthday too! I will post you on my blog in my Blog Candy roll Call!
Happy Birthday and thanks for the chance to win some yummy candy!
Your blog is fab - sorry you haven't been well.
I'm gonna go now and add you to my blog list.
I just love this stamp, it is so cute. THanks for the chance to win. I have placed a link on my sidebar for your candy. Krista P.
Hope you feel well soon, enjoy your birthday and thanks for the opportunity to win. You blog is gorgeous, will be back! Post is on the right side bar.
Sorry to hear you've been feeling poorly, a lot of it going about. What gorgeous candy, very generous of you and thank you for the chance. On my way to add a link to your blog on mine. Joanne x
Followed a link from a friend's blog. You do the most fabulous cards. I'm adding you to my favourites.
The blog candy is just gorgeous - will add a link on my side bar so that everyone can see it.
Thank you so much for the chance to win.
Ann xxx
WOW what amazing blog candy you have, just away to pop over to mine to give you a mention. Sorry wyou have been feeling poorly, hope you are on the mend now. Bad time of the year to get ill. Take Care Hazel xox
happy birthday.
i linked you on my blog
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
It's a time when we all believe in a mirakle! So I hope for the best, because your gifts are really wonderful and I would be happy to get one! Thank you so much for this opportunity!!!
I linked in my blog:
Gorgeous candy Dawny..hope you start to feel really well again very soon. Thank you for the chance to win.
Sue x
Such a great candy!!! Loving it!!! Greetings from Slovakia:))
I hope you continue to feel better! Great Cndy and I have linked you on my blog's sidebar!
Happy Holidays and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Wow lovely blogg candy .Poor you i can sympathise with the flu im just recovering!
Happy birthday have agood day will leave alink on rt side bar
thanks for the chance
Nice blog candy dawn, have added it to my blog :)
Em xxx
WOW Dawn what gorgeous candy up for grabs....i'd think it was my birthday if i won this little lot.
By the way not far behind you,4 months time i'll be there with you and still only 18 in the mind like you...wish my body still looked like a 18 year
I've made it known on my Blog in the side bar about your candy,really i would rather keep it to,
Thanks for the chance of winning it,
Have a lovely weekend
Take care
Sandra x
lol Aww Dawny I hope your feeling better now! You have gorgeous blog candy on offer! Very generous! Have a great day on Monday, Hugs x
Great candy Dawny. Don't think about getting older, just think about having a good time. Hope you're feeling a little better now. Here's wishing you a fantastic birthday.
Hugs Debbie xx
Hi Dawny, hope you're finding that inspiration you need. We all go through it at some time or another, I'm sure yours will be back soon. Fabulous blog candy you're giving away, will put a link on my blog for you, thank you for the opportunity to win this fabulous lot.
Hello gorgeous! Sorry I've not been around...had no internet and am struggling to keep up with everyone! LOL! Can't believe you are going to be %*!! You look so much younger and act it! LOL! Anyway babe I need your address so can you e-mail it over to me and I will let everyone know about your birthday! Lots of love and hugs Em.x
Hello,what a lovely,lovely candy you´re giving away!! Put a link on my blog:-)
/Jessica from Sweden
Wot beautiful Candy you are offering here. I have added a post to my blog about your candy offer.
would just like to wish you a very merry christmas. xxx
fab blog, did make me chuckle reading through your posts. Am adding a link to my blog... fab candy.. fingers crossed.
What was that? It's your QUARTER of a century birthday??!!
I'll get you linked up babes, cos I loves ya & that candy does look a bit fabbytastic ;)
Biggest hugs x x x
Hello from the US! Your blog is wonderful and your candy is delish! I would love to win...I am a huge fan of the Sarah Kay stamps but don't own any I would be tickled to win this! :) Happy Birthday....I hope that you have a fantastic day!
You can see my link to your candy here!
Hugs~ Kim
Thanks for the chance
Hi Dawny, great candy! Thanks for the chance to win. I post your candy on my blog.
Hugs, Andrea
Fabulous candy on offer Dawny. Hope your feeling better and happy birthday to you! I've posted a link on my blog which can be found on the sidebar here. Thanks for the chance to win. Jillix
Wow, what fabbie candy....happy birthday. I know what you feel like, I was 47 the other day and that was traumatic enough (I too lost a sister who was very young, and it seems to make our disappointment worse).
Loving your blog, only recently found it when you did the PTWC DT work ..... I'm loving it.
Toodles & Binks
BIG HUGS ------------I hope you get to feeling better soon --
I, too have had something for almost two months -- I wish it would go away.
An EARLY Happy Birthday to you-- I hope you have a fabulous day!!
Take care!!
Great blog candy...
charlies_secret_angel2006 at yahoo dot com
Really nice blog candy! I'm actually not going to mention it in my blog because if I won it's going to cost to much to send it to Norway.
But, I'm wondering - where is the stamp from?
Happy Birthday! :)
Happy birthday Dawny!!!
Hope you're feeling better soon!
I've linked you on my blog!
~ Leonie ~
I'm way ahead of you girl, it's not the (whispers) 1/2 century birthday that's the problem, it's all the bits headed darn sarf and all the aches and pains that shouldn't be there that are the pits lol.
Fabby candy babes, will go and post it on my blog now.
Hope you shake the lurgy soon (and don't shake it my way either lol)
hugs Bev x
Wow what a great candy offer truck loads of stuff, will put link on my blog. good luck all.
Hope you are feeling better Dawny. sue.xx
Wow what fab candy. Thanks for the opportunity to win it. Sorry you have been unwell, there's a lot of it about just now. I have just got over it and now hubby has it, so much for the flu jab!! Wishing you a wonderful birthday with lots of lovely surprises. Debs xx
Wow, Dawny what a wonderful Blogcandy. Thanks for the chance to win, i link you on my Blog.....
HI! I would love to win this candy... is fantastic! I hope you feel better soon!
Thanks for this candy!
I link you on my blog!
Happy Birthday! Thanks for the generous giveaway. Please enter my name. I will add you to my blog (upper right hand corner). Hope you're feeling better soon. Happy holidays to you and yours.
I posted about your giveaway - which is awesome!
Aww sorry to hear you have been poorly, hope you get better soon.
What fantastic blog candy and very generous.
Will pop a link on my blog, oh and very Happy Birthday to you.
Tracey xx
Oh what a nice offering of stuff, fingers crossed:o)
Hi Dawny, Great candy! Love your blog! Hope you feel better soon! Will link you on my blog. Thanks!
So sorry to hear you have been feeling poorly. Hope your on the recovery road now. This is gorgeous candy and I would love to win it. You are linked on my sidebar. inspiration
Have a great birthday.
Great Candy. thanks for the chance! I've linked you.
Lovely candy give-away. I would like to win . And wish you a happy birthday. Have nice christmas!!
wonderful. Thanks
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday Dear Dawny P!
Happy Birthday to you...
Much luv to you chicken, on this most special of days!
Hope you got lots of lovely things to play with (did that sound rude???)
Gayle x
Happy birthday Dawn! Awesome candy, thanks for the chance to win it.
x Natasha x
Happy Birthday to ya...
Happy Birthday to ya...
Happy Birthday...
Happy Birthday to ya!!
I hope you have a fabulous day and get spoilt rotten! xx
Hallo Dawny,
ich gratuliere dir herzlich zum Geburtstag.
So ein tolles Candy, da muss ich einfach mitmachen, danke.
Mein Link
lg gila
Great goodies!! I've linked you on my blog! Thanks for the chance to win!!
Wishing you a very, very Happy Birthday...........and don't worry, didn't you know 'Life Begins at ** lol!
Please, may I be entered for your Blog Candy (I just love that Stamp!) consider yourself Linked!
Suze x
This candy is absolutely gorgeous hun! I would so love to get it lol xxx
I would love to win! I too have been sick and no desire at the moment to craft. Perhaps this will inspire me. Happy Birthday!
Hope you had a happy birthday and thanks for the chance of winning such great candy, I'm off to post a link on my blogs sidebar, Merry Christmas
Happy Birthday! I found your blog on Kath's blog and Dawn's blog! Great candy, I have blogged about it here.
Thank you!
Happy Birthday Dawny :-)
Must tell you that I thoroughly enjoyed being 50 - it was the thought of turning 60 that scared the s**t out of me. But I have survived.
Old age is not so bad when you consider the alternative :-)
Smashing blog and excellent candy.
I have put you on my blog
Wow! What a stash, Dawny! Thanks. I hope you're back to better soon. I'll be leaving a link on my blog. :)
Hello, just stumbled upon your great blog and saw this lovely candy! Thanks for the chance to win! I'll put it on my blog now!
Hi Dawny!
You have a lovely blog, and your candy is....waw, I would like to win!!!
I linked you on my blogsidebar ! Hugs,Sonja xx
Happy birthday! It must seem strange to get a birthday wish from a stanger but i stumbled across your blog while blog hopping. Thankyou for the chance to win this wonderful candy and I hope you are feeling better soon
Hope you have a lovely birthday, great blog and great blog candy! Have left a link on the righthand side bar of my blog.
glad your back!! happy birthday hunni your not old!!!! young at heart have commented on my blog and left a link!! xxx
!Feliz Cumpleanos! Wow, blog candy too. Hope your day was great like you:) I gave a shout out to my family about your events since MY blog is still coming together. Thanks.
My wife checks your blog alot and emails mom's groups too about it. Would be great to win. Happy Birthday.
Woooow, fantastic candy! I linked you on my blog!
Hugs Tanja
hi I Patricia from argentinA
I like your blog is very cute
I posted a link in my blog for your candy
Great Candy! Greetings from Argentina, thanks for this chance to win, specialy becouse we don't have much of this stuff here.
I left a link on my blog
Happy Holidays!
Love your blog only just found it.
Happy Birthday.
Blog candy is yummy
OOhh what lovely blog candy, hope I win :-) ha ha Will post a link on my blog.
Glad you re feeling better
merry chrismas
WOW! That is good stuff! Count me in! Happy Birthday! I posted a link to your site on my blog.....
Happy Birthday! I looked at all of your handmade birthday cards and they are so beautiful! I'd love to enter your fabulous giveaway, so I've posted a link to your Birthday Candy on my blog! Thanks!
Dawny, happy birthday! You're just a baby compared to me - I'll be 55 in January! We're just like fine wine - we get better, not older! I recently discovered cardmaking (in addition to my previous scrapbooking) and I love it. Thanks for the opportunity to win some special scrapping /card-making goodies! All best wishes for a happy birthday, a Happy Christmas, and a wonderful 2009!
allibrary [at] aol [dot] com
Hi Dawny, So sorry to hear you haven't been well. Hope you fell better allready :)
Gorgeous candy :)))) Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! :))))))
wow! what a wonderful giveaway! i love all of the creations!
whenever I go to your blog I get a smile on my face. your little piggy in your topper is CUTE.
happy holidays !
I'm so glad you had such a fabulous birthday Dawn. I know that 50 was my hardest one to face too, but that was 6 years ago now and trust me, things get better!
Lovely candy, I've posted a link on my sidebar.
Since you aren't were happy about your birthday, I won't congratulate you. But a verse of anonymus author pop in to my head: Life is not measured by the number of braths we take, but by the moments that take our brath away. And since your blog did take my brath away, for that I congratulate you.
Happy Birthday Dawny, sounds like you had a fabulous day and mangaged a good laugh in the end, your candy is fabulous, thanks for a chance to win
hugs Gill x
Fabulous candy Dawny, the stamp is soooo.... cute! Don't look on your birthday so much as oh no five 'o' think of it as 'yippee fifty'!! Hope you have a wonderful birthday and christmas. Now off to add a candy link on my blog.
Joanne x
I know you're not happy about it, but happy birthday anyway. If you want to be cheered-up you can always join my candy.
I've written about yours on my blog:
WOW what fantastic candy you have on offer thankyou sp much for the chance to win. Happy belated birthday and im glad you had a nice day. Im off to link you on my blog. Also i have some candy up for grabs if you would like to enter?
Paula xxxx
what fantastic blog candy...thanks for the chance to win...and your defo not old cause your a little younger than me and theres no way Im old lol xxx
Hope you are starting to feel better dear and saw your birthday post looks like you had a great one. Thanks for the chance on your wonderful candy dear.
Sorry to read you have been feeling poorly and wishing you a speedy recovery.
What fantastic candy you are offering. I shall go and put details on my blog right now as I would love the chance to win this.
Your blog is most impressive and I shall be visiting often
Great candy! I told about your candy days ago but forgot to leave a comment. Well here it is. I linked you here.
x Natasha x
Wow,nice blog candy dawn, I have added it to my blog.
Fabby candy,thanks so much for the chance to win.Have a fabby Christmas & a brill new year.
I have linked you on my blog :):)
Fabby candy,thanks so much for the chance to win.Have a fabby Christmas & a brill new year.
I have linked you on my blog :):)
Happy nice of you to share will us girls...sounds like you got some awesome gifts!!!! I have you linked to my blog thanks for sharing with us!
Happy Birthday. This is awesome blog candy, thanks for the chance to win. I have placed a link on my sidebar for your candy. Krista P
happy birthday to you, life gets better from now on *lol*
great chance to win this candy and I love your blog!
merry xmas from Germany!
wishing you a very happy birhtday!
lovely blog candy
have a very merry xmas!
found your blog through carlz.
What a wonderful birthday - good for you
Added you blog to mine
Hi Dawny! What a gorgeous blog candy! Thanks for a chance to win. I love the Sarah Kay stamp, I had that beautiful image on a Sarah Kay album when I was a child. :)
Happy Birthday! All the best! Merry Christmas and a joyous New year.
The link is in my blog candy alerts.
Happy Birthday Dawny! Don't worry about the big 50, you're not getting older, just better!! Thanks for the wonderful birthday blog candy!
Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you!
Hope you got over your flu and are back crafting again! Thanks for the chance to win this great prize. I'm spreading the word!
Happy Birthday! It is so sweet of you to celebrate by giving one of us a gift! I've added you to the Candy Jar on my blog.
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