
Wednesday 19 December 2012

When Is A Tree Not A Tree????


Hi there sweet peeps and hope you are OK today xxx

it’s that time of the week when we head across the water and catch up with our friends over at the Simon Says Stamp Challenge and this week our theme is …

Merry Christmas

wooohooo, it’s nearly here!!!

This week we are showcasing the very wonderful SIMON SAYS STAMP EXCLUSIVES .  If you have them we would love to see them but it's not compulsory to use them if you want to join in :-)

As always, our lovely Heidi is giving away a fabulous …

… for one lucky winner to spend …

…right here (lucky girlie!!)

So ….

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… this is what I did.

The title of the post today is when is a tree not a tree and the answer is when it’s a star!!!
It could even be a snowflake as well :)

I used this die here ….

*Simon Says Stamp STAMPtember™ MOD TREE Craft DIE S127

.. which is a Simon Says Stamp MOD TREE Craft DIE and I just cut 6 out, chopped off a bit of the trunks, glued them together in pairs and arranged them to make a star (or snowflake) shape.


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The centre is made from part of a Simon Says Stamp BELLA BLOOM Craft DIE.
I have to say that this is such a quick and easy card to make and put together and is perfect for posting because it is quite flat :)


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It does have somebody’s name on it but I can’t say who!!!

Now if you want a treat, nip over and check out the challenge because the cardage is amazing. I mean,.it is always fab but I think today that the girls really have done justice to these wonderful dies and there are loads of ideas there for you to feat yer peepers on!!!

So that’s me done for today but I thought I’d leave you with another bit of Chrimbly hittage and this is another one of those that gets played whist I am doing the sprouts etc on 25th. And yes it is another one that will get me dancing around the kitchen!!

I am not really uncool, it’s just at Christmas when it all seems to go out of the window. The rest of the year I am well and truly down with the kids!!!!

Right enjoy the super talented Mike Oldfield and I’ll see you soon as soon.

Hugs to all xxx


  1. This is gorgeous I love the design. Caroline xxx

  2. I LOVE this, Dawny - genius idea! Merry Christmas!

  3. This is wonderful Dawny. I love how you have made the star from that tree die, looks so effective.

    Hugs Sue

  4. WOW !!! this is stunning Dawny !! I love this .. what a fabulous idea ! :-)

    Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas :-)
    Lols x x x

  5. Brilliant take of the die....wonderful card!
    xxx Margreet

  6. That is one very clever card Dawny. I am getting a die cutter from Santa so great to see all these dies! Merry Christmas x

  7. OMG fabulous and totally genius card - love it :)
    ((hugs)) Suzie xoxo

  8. Gorgeous card, Dawny!! It was so clever to use the tree die to make a star and it turned out beautiful :)

    Simon Says Stamp!

  9. What a genius use of this die... I had it in my basket just yesterday and took it out before I paid, and now I'm really sorry! Fantastic card!
    Alison x

  10. This is AWESOME! Absolutely brilliant!

  11. This is absolutely brilliant! So creative and it looks fab.

    Hugs, Dawn

  12. Now I really, really need that die now, fabulous Snowflake card Dawny its no wonder I have no money.

  13. Stunning Dawny!!! I love how you have created the snowflake with the trees.
    So beautiful!!!

    Heather xx

  14. This is just so cool Dawny!! How creative!! Love this!!

    Merry Christmas!


  15. It had my name on it, thanks Dawny.
    But I think its a conspiracy cos now I have to have that tree, will put it on my wish list for my next spend at SSS.

  16. I love this star ^^

    Have a wonderful Christmas ^^

    Hugs from France

  17. I love this star ^^

    Have a wonderful Christmas ^^

    Hugs from France

  18. Wow superterrific card! Blows my Christmas socks off!


Thank you so much for stopping by. I would love you to leave me a comment, cos I really do appreciate your thoughts. Love and hugs, Dawny xx