
Tuesday 20 September 2011

Gifts For You :)

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Morning chicksies and hope that you are all OK today – it’s a bit grey and miserable here so I hope that you are having better weather where you are.

It's that time of the week when we head over to Papertake Weekly and see what the sweet DT have been up to and this week our challenge is

Creature Comforts.

So all you have to do is to include a little critter on your card somewhere and you will be in with a shout at winning this week’s prize which is sponsored by Wendy at

Digital Delights

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So no prizes for guessing that my lil animal would be something cute from  Lili Of The Valley and today I’ve used another of the new releases and this time I went for Christmas Bear’s Bird Table.

I did the Copics and Polychromos thing and these are the colours I used -

BG0000, BG01, BG15, BG49, C1, C3, E35, E41, E42, E43, E50, R17, R46, YG0000, YG03

The papers I used today are all from Dies To Die For and they are First Edition Christmas Joy – the colours are so pretty and these crappo pics a la Miss Piggy here do not do them justice at all.

Also no die border today – shock horror!!!!

I used one of the ‘old faithful but sadly forgotten now  have the Tilda Lace Dies’  border punches and this one is of course courtesy of Martha Stewart. Its the embossed zig zag punch and I really don't know if it’s still available but I do know that Tracy is having a sale on MS Border punches at the mo so nip and grab yourself a bargain sweet peeps – you can see them here.

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The snowflake die is Marianne Design Creatables - Snowflakes Style 1 who you can get from Dies To Die For as well and the little charm is one I made using a metal disc and glass cabochon from me jewellery stash :)

That pretty ribbon is  16mm sheer ruffle edge ribbon in Aqua and it is of course from  The Ribbon Girl – what a gorgeous colour..

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So I’m done for today.

Is it me or has the world gone a little bit mad of late peeps?

I’m not meaning to have a rant, however I can feel one coming on lol!! I watched the news yesterday which was mainly about people breaking the law and being allowed to get away with it (sort of). Re the Dale Farm issue, I know it might not be politically correct to say this but if you and I broke the law or put up a house / dwelling / whatever on a piece of green belt land (whether we owned it or not), then I have a feeling that we might be in a spot of bother and at the very least have to remove it. Not so if you belong to the travelling community though. I have absolutely nothing at all against these people and if that is their lifestyle choice then who am I to argue.

But they really ought to stick to the rules I think.

I saw a lady being interviewed yesterday about this on This Morning  and she said that 20% of travellers were homeless. She was told that some council somewhere or other had offered them bricks and mortar property to live in but she said they couldn't live in houses because it was detrimental to their mental well being.


And when it was pointed out that if they were travellers, how comes they wanted to stay put in one place, she said that if you are born in China and then you come to live here, it doesn’t stop you being Chinese.

Now what can you say to that ????

It’s something quite close to us here at the moment because our ‘beloved’ council have allowed some of our beautiful green belt land to be converted into a permanent site for travellers. They released the proposals 2 days before you had to lodge your objection (can you smell the same rat as me??) and I don't think many of us in the village are happy about it.

Now if I wanted to go and buy some of this land to build my own home on, with money I had paid tax on etc etc I think I would be told to bugger off. Which is almost what I want to tell the council to do quite honestly. There was a meeting about it in the village but it seems that it is a done deal,  so that’s that.

When I worked for Castrol many years ago, a group of them set up camp opposite the building I worked in. Things started to go walkies which may or may not have been a coincidence  (you think???) and the mess that they left behind was so bad I cannot begin to tell you because it is disgusting.

OML I’ve just realised that while I have been ranting away, I've eaten nearly half a packet of McVities Caramel Digestives – what a snorter!!!!

I best go and out the few that are left away before they go as well :(

I’ll see you tomoz with some more cardage and until then, have the fabbiest of days and hugs to all xxx


  1. I love your card. Your coloring is fab. I too wish all people had to play by the rules.

  2. Your card is just adorable Dawny I love the colours and ribbon you have used!
    I am so in agreeance with you re the Dale farm issue! I actually work with a traveler and she is lovely, hardworking, pays taxes and lives in a house so I certainly don't have anything against travelers on the whole, however if they want to set up a permanent fixed abode they need to do so legally and whilst paying taxes end of and as for getting celebrity status through reality TV and brawling in the street don't even get me started! Hugs Rebekah xx

  3. Hi I have been waiting for my LOTV Christmas stamps to arrive bet they come today as I am at work. Live the blues and the gorgeous ribbon and cabochan. I agree with you ! I work in security and the stories I could tell you !not nice. I really don't understand these rich supporters either ! Kitty :D

  4. gorgeous card..i have heard second or third hand that a group waited til bank holiday then put tarmac on green belt and set up action rule for one...

  5. Like you, Dawny, I have no problem with other people's lifestyle choices. However, I think there are times when some folks want to have their cake and eat it (and I don't mean in the sense that I've stopped making chocolate brownies because I eat them all in one sitting!). Such a sweet card - must hop over the TRG and get me some of that lovely ribbon. x

  6. Beautiful card. I love this image and your colouring is gorgeous.
    Debbie x

  7. I came over here to say how lovely I thought the card is, the bow and snowflakes are beautiful. Also then read the rest of the post and completely agree. There are some that are tidy, but usually they leave such a mess behind them, and so many costs, that no wonder people don't want them around. They don't pay taxes, and yet expect councils to clear up their litter, sewerage and other mess, and provide the land. Who the hell do they think pays for all that.

  8. This is such a cute card, love that image.
    Kim xXx

  9. Gorgeous card and really sweet image - ref rest of your post, I totally agree with you - have you ever considered standing as a Local Councilor? I think you'd do a great job - Mary Gx

  10. loving today's card...gorgeous as always and I totally agree with you on the Dale Farm thing...we should all have to live by the rules regardless. Don't get me started on the way our council bends over backwards to accommodate travellers providing them with skips and they still leave rubbish strewn everywhere...hugs kath xxx

  11. A great Christmas card, very fresh. Jx


Thank you so much for stopping by. I would love you to leave me a comment, cos I really do appreciate your thoughts. Love and hugs, Dawny xx