
Thursday 1 October 2009

Do Ya Want A Larff?

No card - just a quickie here.

Cos the (ex) blonde twit has struck again.

So if you want a titter at my expense (again lol xxx), go and read the bit on the last post (near the bottom) about the new PTW DT, namely the bit about Donna. Then go to the comments and read what Donna said.

Ohh I am mortified, but even through my mortification, if there is such a word, I am rrofl and pmpl. Only I (and possibly my spirtual twin Kath) could cock up so consistantly and so spectacularly. I don't do it on purpose chicks, I just seem to have this awesome talent for it.

HUGEST sincere apols to Donna, but pass the tenas girls xxxxx


  1. You complete Muppet! Have you picked yourself up off the floor from laughing yet?

    That's the best laugh I@ve had in ages - a good job me stitches have healed or you'd be in trouble!!!

    Bless you


  2. ha ha ha ha ,,, easy mistake to make tho in all fairness Dawny :-) pmsl :-)

  3. oh dearie me....another dopey mare moment and oh're right... something I would probably's called 2 + 2 = 5
    but I'm sure Donna will forgive you or maybe never let you live it down....big hugs kath xxxxx


  5. OH bless..must say as I read the section you said I thought OH I bet I know what that naughty Piggy has done LOL

    Never mind, you gave us all a giggle and its nice to know Im not Queen of the 'Foot in mouth' blunders hehehe

    mandi xx

  6. oh dawny!!! what are you like!!! i have had an urgh day and you have just cheered me up loads!!! :) !!!

  7. at least it wasn't as bad as my bo bo, but it did make me laugh hugs Jill xx

  8. OMG wetness all round pmsl!! Oh my dear you are such a one!
    pauline x

  9. ROFL Dawn, definitely a tena moment and just for the record I am not in the least bit offended lol!'s my own fault for giving my blog such a stupid name but that's all I could come up with at the time and now I'm stuck with it like a tattoo lol! Hugs :) Donna x

  10. HaHaHa. Golly you always make me laugh! I thought I was the only one who only opened my mouth to change feet! On my birthday this year the quote for the day in my desk diary was '' A closed mouth gathers no feet!'', which my 'orrible ubby thought was hilariously apt!
    Thanks for brightening my evening!
    Best wishes
    Elaine x

  11. RoFL getting used to your Dawnyisms!!!!

    We all need a laugh these days and you certainly deliver those!!



Thank you so much for stopping by. I would love you to leave me a comment, cos I really do appreciate your thoughts. Love and hugs, Dawny xx