
Friday 29 August 2008

I Got Another One :)x

Look what the lovely Dawn gave me. Thank you Dawn, it's brilliant and I love it xxx Dawn's blog is wonderful and she makes the most fantastic tags and ATC's - I am in awe. Oh and her cards are a bit on the good side as well xxx
Rules for the JAVABLU AWARD:
1. The winner can put the logo on their blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 5 other blogs.
4.Before listing the nominees give a brief reason why you chose them
5. Put links of those blogs on yours.
6. Leave a message on the blogs you have nominated
I have nominated the following bloglies for a combination of their creative talents and also their fabulous friendship which I treasure. Thank you girls xxxx
So my excellent 8 (it said at least 5 hee hee) are ....
Terrie, Leann, Andrea, Claudia, Dawnie, Steph, Rach, & last but by no means least, my lovely Kath
Now I am off to get Richard a surprise prezzie for his birthday which is today. Happy Birthday dearest heart - love ya loads xxxxxxxxx


  1. awwwww
    Thank you Hunny...
    so sweet of you ..
    will go directly now and post this on my blog...have a great weekend
    big hugs Rachxx

  2. congratulations Dawny, you deserve everyone of them and more your cards are amazing Jill x


    As for all these are either..
    1. Paying people to pass them to you?
    2. Very popular?
    3. Incredibly talented?
    4. A very nice person?
    Personally I would go with 2,3 and 4! Thanks for everything lately really has meant a lot.x

  4. Emma you sussed me out - it is actually NO 1 lol xxxxx and I'll tell old tricky boy that you said HB xxxx

  5. Congrats again my you are a popular girl....

    Happy birthday to the lovely

  6. Happy B`day dear Richard!!!!you not off to get him a new bird are ya Dawny!!!!lol.....
    `Thankyou` you are a real `Sweetheart`....
    Have a great evening whatever you do!!!:)

  7. Fank you!!!
    I'll just go & dust off my award speech... ;)
    Happy birthday to Mr Piggy :)
    x x x

  8. Hiya again! I know it sounds funny but I got a bit star-struck! Jamie was cracking up, I wrote down on a napkin that it was her and he thought I was going to say something mean! I didn't think to ask for a job - oops! I like Nigel too, and I know what you mean, some are so annoying - no names mentioned!! ;) Have a great weekend! xx

  9. Awww thanks Dawny - I will try and put this on later lol Hope hubby had a good birthday! x


Thank you so much for stopping by. I would love you to leave me a comment, cos I really do appreciate your thoughts. Love and hugs, Dawny xx