
Friday 23 May 2008

Well look at this!!! I've been given the circle of friends award from Tracie Jane. Thank you Tracie Jane - it's fab xx I think I am the one with the biggest bum with her back to the camera!! I am definately NOT the one with the trout pout lol xxx

So now I have to pass it on to 3 of my blog buds. Wow this is so hard cos I have 'met' so many nice peeps since I started this blog!!! But I have to choose, soooooo my 3 are -

My All Pink Dawnie who I just love to bits cos apart from being one of the most talented cardies in blogland, she is just soooo nice (is the cheque in the post yet Dawnie? lol xx) xx

The lovely Terrie B whose work never fails to amaze and inspire me and she always does her blog rounds and has a nice word for everyone (I already got your cheque Terrie ta lol x)

And finally Em, who just makes me howl - read her blog if you want a chuckle !! She is the tarting up Queen of blogland and is soo funny with it ( that is what you said wasn't it Em??? lol xx)

So there ya go !!! But there are loads more I could have passed it on to, it's just that these 3 paid me the most lol xxx

Seriously, for all you nice people who take the time to leave me such lovely comments, which always make my day and which I really appreciate, consider yourselves awarded as well xxxxxxx


  1. Gonna fight you for this one, Sweetie. I already bagged the "big bottomed girls they make the blooming world go round" for myself a few days ago! Altho I'd never actually present mine face to the camera LOL! Guess there's enough for both of us there tho' and as it's you, I'm happy to share!
    Sj xxx

  2. Gonna fight you for this one, sweetie. I already bagged the "fat bottomed girls they make the blooming world go round" for myself a few days ago -except that I'd never present mine face to the camera!!! Altho' there is enough to go round and as it's you, I'm happy to share.
    Sj xxx

  3. Aw Dawnie..."Thankyou" sooooo much you are so sweet....
    I thought that was me with the big but!!!lol
    You are a real gem:)
    Have the most wonderful weekend.....Big(((Hugs))))xxxxxxxx

  4. CONGRATS with your award!!

    Have a GREAT weekend!



Thank you so much for stopping by. I would love you to leave me a comment, cos I really do appreciate your thoughts. Love and hugs, Dawny xx